What are some of the Issues that centre on the unknown around the Interview?
(#1) Getting the Interview
You may find that increasing your interview hit rate is getting harder because Cover Letters and Resume's that are pouring in are of such a high standard that need to access more creative ways to move up the queue and get in front of employer as Barry-Newman Sparks explains here
But if time is of the essence and want guidance researching your specific contract debrief... Just Ask
(#2) Surviving the Interview
The trouble with INTERVIEWS is there are so many UNKNOWNS: for example (i) the person who interviews you.. who are they... will they intimidate you or will they be nice (ii) the questions they ask will ask you and will you struggle to answer OR (iii) what questions should YOU ask and will they sound silly or clumsy to them (iv) will they think badly of your choice of clothes... and the list goes on. It is not possible to answered because every interview is different. That's why I believe its important to control what you do know. You know why you are there, prepare what you know, and get help to practice what you know. That will take the stress out because you know what to focus on.
So practice... but if practicing is a bit awkward OR people are too busy with their own stuff right now... Just Ask
(#3) Prepare and Practice to suit the interview method
Looking the part and the level comfort can vary depending on the method used. Favored methods include teleconference, phone and face to face interview. It is important to get comfortable with all three... Just Ask
(#4) Limiting Belief
This is perhaps the biggest issue because not only will you be stepping into the unknown... you may also feel like you are on the back foot and start to notice limiting beliefs begin to stir that you can feel in the chest, abdomen, and restriction in breathing. It is important to uncover your beliefs behind the feelings of 'not good enough', 'not intelligent enough', 'not belonging', and fear around 'making a mistake', 'what that will have them think of you'.
If you are still uncertain, struggling with the unknown around your interview
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