Internalizing interview mistakes

If a contractor didn't get the results s/he wanted, and s/he is NOT learning from the experience THEN chances are s/he needs to protect his/herself from the danger of becoming the Contractor who starts to FEAR FAILURE

Is this just scare talk? Is this focusing on the negative? No.. in fact its the OPPOSITE

in not learning the contractor will miss out on maximizing FRESH references on how to make better interview decisions the next time around... and

because in not protecting will have a contractor INTERNALIZE their interview MISTAKES, and can sabotage themselves when they "try to" go after an interview in the future, when they might think... "Well, I tried to go after that before and look what happened".

I often find that the most important task for me is to help protect a contractor from internalizing their interview mistakes OR they will run the RISK of becoming UNWILLING to do what they need to do which only leads to more frustration, anxiety, (and even become DELUSIONAL) in their success and tell themselves its okay... when their financial position tells a very different story.

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