Contrary to popular opinion NOT everyone wants to blow their own trumpet... indeed some find it very uncomfortable, even offensive... especially in an interview...
But it doesn't have to be like bragging. You can approach your client in a way that brings out your strengths naturally and... reduces the risk of sounding off or big noting yourself... without having to resort to any bragging... that you sense others back away from.. because people do find loud mouth's distasteful.
You intuitively know that just being yourself, just being proud of the benefit your capability, competence, and expertise brings... has you come across far better to others and... feels much more comfortable to you. But its not easy influencing the interview by being low key and serious and could backfire in ways that has you come across as incompetent, or incapable and risk losing your audience altogether.
So to what extent is coming across 'real'... and not some blowhard.. important to you? How do you achieve that?