One Word - Nerves

Who remembers interviews where you had all the right skills, you knew all the business issues and could prove complete mastery of all software applications designed to solve it... but you just lost out in favor of the other person who came across just that bit more confident OR was able to hide his nervousness just that bit better than you.

Confidence comes from practicing your Story, your STARS, your Interview Questions, and knowing your stuff. The agents Contractor Care Program helps with aspects of this but you come across far better when you come from a place of inner knowing.

This confidence runs deeper and continues to impact beyond just your area of expertise. It comes from having a deeper understanding of yourself and a very clear picture of where you are going.

Some are natural at interviews, others are not and need to work at it.

Those who are natural do not believe they are not good enough... nor do they think badly of themselves... even if the interviewer thinks less of them for not being careful enough.. and allowed a momentary slip up... saying something that was unintelligent and indeed foolish.

However there are those who are uncomfortable with interviews.. and will spend days fretting about, trying to prepare against losing control of their body and their emotions.. and 'survive'... what amounts to be just a meeting between two people for just 25 to 30 minutes.

Indeed this escalates when the interview is 25 to 30 minutes before a panel. For example you might feel fear if the panel is judging you... or you feel escalating fear when you pick up a vibe that you are being rejected by one or two on the panel... or feel trapped, unable to escape, unable to get out and back to safety for making a silly mistake in front of a panel in a room of people.

So to what extent is your personal power and confidence important in your interview? or does that have noting to do with it?